Scratch: Variables


Variables are like containers/placeholders for values. Variables are a foundational programming concept that enables the creation of advanced scripts. Scratch is great for learning to create and manipulate variables.

You’ve likely encountered variables before. Here are some examples:

x = 5 name = "Sarah" gameLoading = true
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Variables are found in the Variables category in Scratch. Clicking on Variables brings up the variables blocks:

Scratch interface with the Variables category selected

Next, click on the Make a Variable button to create your variable.

Annotation of Scratch interface showing the Make a Variable button

After clicking that button, you’ll need to name your variable. For now, leave the For all sprites option clicked. This creates a global variable that you can use anywhere in your project. The alternative is a local variable. The difference between these options is outside of the scope of this course.

Modal window for naming a new variable in Scratch

Your variable is now available for use! This image shows a variable named “health” that can now be used in other scripts. This name matches what you provide in the previous step.

Here’s an example of using variables in a script:

Scripts showing how to use a variable in Scratch