For this activity, you’ll use the design process to create a model of a Baltimore landmark. Creating models is a critical skill for many designers from engineers and architects to sculptors and set designers. You’ll practice using scale when designing your landmark and, if necessary, use modular assembly.
First, choose a landmark to model. This can be one of the landmarks provided by program staff or one of your choosing. For example, you may choose to make a scaled-down model of your own house. Here’s the Seven Foot Knoll Lighthouse as an example:
Once you’ve selected your landmark, create a prototype of your model using Play-Doh, cardboard, or Legos.
After reviewing your prototype and adjusting if necessary, design your landmark in Tinkercad.
Keep your design within 70 x 70 x 70mm. If you find these parameters difficult to work within, you may create your design in multiple parts – manufacturers call this process modular assembly.
Here’s an example of the lighthouse modeled in Tinkercad:
Name your design and upload it to PS Hive. If you need a refresher on the process, check out the Getting Started With Tinkercad lesson.