Project: Fading LED

Objectives and Overview

This project builds on the basic concept that you practiced in the analog output guide. Remember, Arduino doesn’t have an actual analog output, so to get the dimming effect you have to use Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to send short cycles of power to the pin.

Lesson Objectives

  • Demonstrate understanding of analog output by creating a fading LED circuit.

Fading LED

You’ll be writing code that alters the behavior of the LED. Remember, with digital output you made LEDs that were either ON or OFF. Analog output allows you to add additional functionality by creating LEDs that fade in and out.

This project will challenge you to create LEDs that fade at different levels and at different times!


  • Uno board and breadboard
  •  Jumper wires
  • At least 2 LEDs of your choice
  • 220 or 560 Ohm resistor for each LED


This project follows the same setup as the breadboard LED project. The difference will be the code that you write in the sketch.

Here’s a reminder about how to set up an LED circuit.


To help with your experimenting process, we have created and provided you with breadboard diagrams to help you set up any of your circuits. Refer to this diagram for help while you set up the circuit:

Circuit diagram for the fading LED/analog output circuit

Connect the GND pin on the Arduino to the Ground (-) rail on the breadboard.

Connect the LEDs to the breadboard. Place them far enough apart so that you have room to work. As a tip, try to keep the LED placement consistent. A good habit is to put the positive (long) leg as the top leg.

Connect each + leg of each LED to a pin on the Arduino. Remember, these must be the pins with a ~. For example, if you’re using pins ~9 and ~10, connect the + leg of one LED to ~9, and the other to ~10.

Connect a resistor from the – rail of the breadboard to the short (-) leg of each LED. Each LED needs its own resistor!


This is the basic code template for this project. Remember, you’ll need to include a variable for each LED that you’re using!

void setup() { int ledPin = 9; } void loop() { analogWrite(9,0); //Turn the LED on pin 9 off delay(500); //Wait 500 milliseconds analogWrite(9,63); //Turn the LED on pin 9 25% on delay(500); //Wait 500 milliseconds analogWrite(9,126); //Turn the LED on pin 9 50% on delay(500); analogWrite(9,189); //Turn the LED on pin 9 75% on delay(500); analogWrite(9,255); //Turn the LED on pin 9 100% on delay(500); }
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In the example, int ledPin = 9; creates a variable for ONE of the LEDs. If you add another, you’ll need to create an additional, unique variable!

Fading LED: Experimenter Challenges

Now that you’ve faded one LED, the very first challenge is to make the LED back down! Right now, you’ve made a sketch that has the LED fade in a single direction. Next, make the LED fade in and out, so that it looks as if it is “breathing.”

After you’ve done that, the next challenge is to fade more than one LED at different rates and at different intensities. This can be difficult to manage, so do your best!

Bonus: Instead of writing in the intensities as a definite number (such as 0, 63, 255, etc.) write the code so that they’re fractions of the total intensity. Think about what this means and how you’d write the code.

Bonus Challenge: Reverse Fade!

Here is a challenge to help you understand some of the concepts we have learned so far. To see the answer to the challenge, you can expand the code snippet in the next section.

Right now the code sketch results in the LED fading from off to max value. Your challenge is to make the LED fade from max back to off.

Attempt this first on your own and then look at the solution when you’re ready.

Challenge Solution

void setup() { // no code needed in setup() for this sketch } void loop() { analogWrite(9,0); //Turn the LED on pin 9 off delay(500); //Wait 500 milliseconds analogWrite(9,63); //Turn the LED on pin 9 25% on delay(500); //Wait 500 milliseconds analogWrite(9,126); //Turn the LED on pin 9 50% on delay(500); analogWrite(9,189); //Turn the LED on pin 9 75% on delay(500); analogWrite(9,255); //Turn the LED on pin 9 100% on delay(500); analogWrite(9,189); //Turn the LED on pin 75% off delay(500); //Wait 500 milliseconds analogWrite(9,126); //Turn the LED on pin 9 50% on delay(500); //Wait 500 milliseconds analogWrite(9,63); //Turn the LED on pin 9 25% on delay(500); //If we left the next two lines on, then the LED would be off for 1000 milliseconds //because the loop would start back over and it would start with a duplicate of the lines below //analogWrite(9,0); //delay(500); }
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)